The morning session will consist of Engine Operations:
Apparatus placement, Hose line stretch/length/size & placement,
Tandem feed lines, Friction loss, Nozzle & Engine pressures, Drafting, Stairwell stretch, etc…
* BONUS – We will break down different types of
Engine apparatus/equipment and their capabilities as per Civil Service test requirements.
The afternoon session will consist of Ladder Operations:
Apparatus placement, Aerial/Ground ladder Size & Placement, Salvage/Overhaul Ops, Ventilation Techniques, Search/Rescue Ops, Forcible Entry & Utilities.
* BONUS – We will break down different types of
Ladder apparatus/equipment and their capabilities as per Civil Service test requirements.
Engine & Ladder Operations
This seminar will guide you on how to answer questions on your
Written & Oral Promotional Test.
You will be an Engine / Ladder Captain or the Incident Commander
during your test. We will teach you tactics and strategies that
Civil Service is looking for.
All classes have concluded. Please check back for future dates.